Letter from author

Dear Readers:
Please accept my dandavats pranams to your feet. Kindly try to follow these recommendations in order to instruct you in the spirit of this book. Read from beginning to end, forgive the author for any omission or mistake made unintentionally. Put your doubts aside and try to judge the book only after considering all the points presented here. Try to find answers to questions you have about the Gaudiya Math and / or any of its branches. we assure you that this book was not written to detract from anyone, but rather to glorify the whole Gaudiya Math. Be sure to make any effort to harmonize relations between Vaisnavas worldwide.
This book has been compiled with the help of many Vaisnavas. Of these, not everyone remembers the historical details, so we've compiled the records, while we collected the information. However, this is not a complete document and much more research must be made to include any member or any important event in the history of the Gaudiya Math and its branches.We also collected more information from some missions than others. The real purpose of this book is to gather all the Vaisnavas in the world and make them more close to each other, and this purpose can happen if more people or events are attached in future editions.
Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this book, which is an offering to your feet. I'm not qualified to write about all the great souls mentioned here. For my own purification I have collected all their sacred names, and I've searched some of the sociological aspects of our growing Vaisnava community. It is my hope that this book will please them.
Daso’ smi.
Swami B. A. Paramadvaiti

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